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IPIA Recognising Excellence

Join us at this Print Industry event


We're delighted to be sponsoring the IPIA Recognising Excellence Expo and Gala Dinner for the second year in a row. 

the event includes a day-time Expo and Networking Lunch, followed by our celebrated Gala Dinner and Awards night. Attendees will be able to make new business connections, develop new customers, learn about the latest print technology and media, before kicking back for an evening full of fun, laughter and live entertainment.

The IPIA are deeply committed to supporting their members and the UK print industry. Their aim is to help businesses expand their horizons, grow using targeted collaboration, adapt to ever evolving market forces, and thrive through mutual support. This is the key driving force behind the Recognising Excellence event.

If you are in the print industry and would like to come along as one of our guests, please get in touch via email:

Contact us for more information